直訳にこだわらない 目次
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1 直訳にこだわらないで日常表現を英語に直してみましょう
Step 1 [今日は雲一つない良い天気だね。]
It's fine today./It's beautiful today./It's a fine day today./It's a beautiful day today./We have a beautiful day today./…etc.
Step 2 [すごい雨!]
It's raining so hard./Wow, it's raining so hard./I can't believe(that)it's raining so hard./…etc.
Step 3 [俺、博多育ちなんだ。]
I'm from Hakata./I come from Hakata./My hometown is Hakata./I lived in Hakata until high school./…etc.
Step 4 [ギリシャはどうだった?]
How was Greece?/How did you like Greece?/Did you enjoy Greece?/Did you have a good time in Greece?/…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“How was〜?”と“How about〜?”
Step 5 [彼女は小食なの。]
She doesn't eat much./She doesn't eat a lot./She eats only a little./She eats like a bird./She is a small eater./…etc.
Step 6 [もうお腹いっぱいです]
I'm full./I'm stuffed./I can't eat any more./Thank you, but I can't eat any more./I ate too much./No, thank you. I've had plenty./…etc.
Step 7 [私も仲間に入れて。]
Let me be(a)part of it, too./I'll be(a)part of it, too./I want to be a part of it, too./Can I be(a)part of it, too?/I'll help out, too./…etc.
Step 8 [明日、ひま?]
Are you free tomorrow?/Are you available tomorrow?/Are you busy tomorrow?/Do you have time tomorrow?/…etc.
Step 9 [素敵なジャケットですね。]
Your jacket is really nice./What a nice jacket!/I like your jacket./I love your jacket./You look good in your jacket./…etc.
Step 10 [ご指摘どおりです。]
You're right./I was wrong./I was mistaken./I stand corrected./Everything you said is right.
Step 11 [あなたの家は築何年ですか。]
How old is your house?/When was your house built?/How long ago was your house built?/…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“How old〜?”
Step 12 [笑い事じゃないよ!]
It's not funny!/Very funny!/Don't laugh!/I'm serious!/I'm not joking./It's no joke!/It's beyond a joke!/It's no laughing matter!/…etc.
Step 13 [時間が足りないよ。]
I don't have enough time./There isn't enough time./I need more time./I need one more day./I want a little more time./…etc.
Step 14 [時が経つのはあっという間だね。]
It's already December?!/It's already 3:00?!/She's already a college student?!/I can't believe(that)it's already December./…etc.
Let's review 1〜14.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?
Step 15 [姉が誕生日に腕時計を買ってくれたの。]
My sister bought me a watch for my birthday./My sister gave me a watch for my birthday./…etc.
Step 16 [ちょっと辞書を貸して頂けませんか。]
Would you lend me your dictionary?/Could you lend me your dictionary?/May I borrow your dictionary?/…etc.
Step 17 [仕事は見つかった?]
Do you work now?/Do you have a job now?/Did you get a job?/Did you find a job?/Have you found a job yet?/…etc.
Step 18 [先週は忙しいなんてものじゃなかったよ。]
I was really busy last week./I was busy like crazy last week./I was crazy busy last week./I was really tied up last week./…etc.
Step 19 [他に選択の余地がない。]
I have to do it./I have to choose it./I have no choice./I have no other choice./I have no option./This is my only choice./…etc.
Step 20 [バイト代はまぁまぁってとこかな。]
The pay is pretty good./The pay is not bad./The pay is acceptable./The pay is ok./The pay is so‐so./This job pays well./…etc.
Step 21 [風邪は良くなった?]
How's your cold?/How's your cold doing?/Are you better?/Are you feeling any better?/Are you getting any better?/…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“have a cold”と“catch(a)cold”
Step 22 [その指、どうしたの?]
What happened to your finger?/What did you do with your finger?/How did you hurt your finger?/Is your finger OK?/…etc.
Step 23 [この野菜、うちで取れたんですよ。]
These vegetables are from my garden./These vegetables are from my greenhouse./These are from my vegetable field./…etc.
Step 24 [あの料理、家族に好評だったよ。]
My family loved that dish./My family said(that)that dish was really delicious./My family asked me to make that dish again./…etc.
Step 25 [つき合っている人はいません。]
I don't have a boyfriend./I don't have a girlfriend./I don't have a steady./I'm not seeing anyone./I'm not dating anyone./…etc.
Step 26 [それは信じがたいなあ。]
Really?/Are you sure?/Are you serious?/Is that true?/I can't believe that./I can hardly believe that./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“believe”と“believe in”
Step 27 [何を言おうとしていたんだっけ?]
What was I going to say?/What did I want to say?/What was I saying?/I forget what I was going to say./I forget what I wanted to say./…etc.
Step 28 [2〜3日前に送ったメールって届いた?]
Did you receive my e‐mail?/Did you get my e‐mail?/Did you read my e‐mail?/Did you receive my e‐mail a few days ago?/…etc.
Let's review 15〜28.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?  82
Step 29 [兄は今、失業しています。]
My brother doesn't work now./My brother doesn't have a job now./My brother quit his job./My brother lost his job./…etc.
Step 30 [彼女のピアノはプロ並みだよ!]
She can play the piano very well./She can play the piano like a pro./She plays the piano very well./She plays the piano like a pro./…etc.
Step 31 [どこでランチしようか?]
Where shall we have lunch?/Where should we have lunch?/Where do you want to have lunch?/…etc.
Step 32 [はっきり言ってよ。]
Tell me straight(out)./Tell me frankly./Be straight./Be frank./Don't beat around the bush./Don't be so roundabout./What is your point?/…etc.
Step 33 [1週間、寝込んでいました。]
I was sick for a week./I was sick in bed for a week./I was laid up in bed for a week./I was sick in bed with a cold for a week./…etc.
Step 34 [このレストラン、結構おすすめだよ。]
This restaurant is really good./This restaurant is pretty good./Their food is really good./Their food tastes really good./…etc.
Step 35 [あのレストランはいつ行っても繁盛しているよ。]
That restaurant is really popular./That restaurant is always crowded./That restaurant is always crowded with customers./…etc.
Step 36 [あなたは英語の達人なんですね。]
Your English is great./You can speak English very well./You're a great English speaker./You're really good at English./…etc.
Step 37 [携帯電話を置いてきちゃった。]
I don't have my cell phone now./I don't have my cell phone with me./I forgot my cell phone./I've forgotten my cell phone./…etc.
Step 38 [無事に帰宅したそうで何よりです。]
I'm glad you returned home safely./I'm glad you made it home OK./I'm glad you made it home all right./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“come home”と“go home”
Step 39 [これ、賞味期限が切れているよ。]
This may be a little old./This may be a little old to eat./This is too old to eat./Let's not eat this. It is a little old./…etc.
Step 40 [お腹が痛くなるほど笑ったよ。]
We laughed a lot./We laughed ourselves silly./We laughed our heads off./We laughed until we cried./…etc.
Step 41 [それはどうかな。]
I don't know about that./I'm not sure about that./I'm not too sure about that./I'm not 100% sure about that./…etc.
Step 42 [私にはもう済んだことだから…。]
For me, that's all finished./That's all in the past./That's all history for me./That's all behind me now./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“I don't care.”と“I don't mind.”
Let's review 29〜42.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?
Step 43 [今夜は外食する気分じゃないんだ。]
I don't want to eat out tonight./I want to have dinner at home tonight./I would rather have dinner at home tonight./…etc.
Step 44 [これって、いつ提出?]
When should I finish this?/…etc.
Step 45 [このデパート、ガラガラじゃないの!]
There aren't many shoppers at this department store./Wow, this department store is empty!/…etc.
Step 46 [最近、運動不足なの。]
I'm getting weak these days./I'm getting heavy these days./I'm gaining weight these days./I should go to the gym./…etc.
Step 47 [私たち、高校時代からの付き合いなんです。]
We got to know each other in high school./We made friends in high school./We went to high school together./…etc.
Step 48 [郁美ちゃん、5月に結婚するらしいよ。]
I heard that Ikumi is getting married in May./I heard from a friend that Ikumi is getting married in May./…etc.
Step 49 [マイホームなんて夢のまた夢。]
Buying a house is only my dream./Buying a house is a pipe dream for me./We don't have any money to buy a house./…etc.
Step 50 [助けが必要だったら遠慮なく言ってね。]
If you need help, tell me./If you need help, just tell me./If you need help, just ask./If you need help, just let me know./…etc.
Step 51 [彼女からそんな発言が飛び出すなんて意外だったよ。]
I was surprised at what she said./I was surprised to hear what she said./I was surprised(that)she said that./I didn't expect her to say that./…etc.
Step 52 [高かったけど、その価値はあったよ。]
It was expensive but I'm satisfied it./It was expensive but I'm happy with it./It was expensive but I don't regret it./…etc.
Step 53 [こんな天気にサーフィンするのは賢明ではないよ。]
The weather is pretty bad. Let's not go surfing today./We shouldn't go surfing today. The weather is pretty bad./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク「思う」と“I don't think”
Step 54 [思い出すだけでもゾッとするよ。]
I don't want to remember it./I don't want to recall it./I don't want to think about it./It's a terrifying memory./…etc.
Step 55 [昨日はついていなかった。]
It was a bad day for me yesterday./It was a terrible day for me yesterday./Yesterday was terrible for me./…etc.
Step 56 [ラベンダーは快眠の効能があるんだよ。]
Lavender is good for a good sleep./Lavender is effective for a good sleep./Lavender has a good effect on sleep./…etc.
Let's review 43〜56.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?
Step 57 [昨日、最終電車に乗り遅れちゃって…。]
I was late for the last train last night./I arrived late for the last train last night./I couldn't catch the last train last night./…etc.
Step 58 [料理は好きだけど、後片付けが面倒なの。]
I like cooking but I don't like doing the dishes./I enjoy cooking but I don't enjoy doing the dishes./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“do the名詞”
Step 59 [そう言ってくれたらよかったのに。]
Why didn't you tell me?/Why didn't you tell me so?/How come you didn't tell me(so)?/Why did you keep it secret?/…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“Why?”と“How come?”
Step 60 [今日は花粉症がひどい。]
My hay fever is really bad today./My hay fever is terrible today./My hay fever is worse today./My hay fever is unbearable today./…etc.
Step 61 [日曜日は家でゴロゴロするのが一番!]
It's the best to be at home on Sundays./It's nice to be at home on Sundays./I like doing nothing on Sundays./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“on Sunday(s)”
Step 62 [彼ったら、なかなか返事をくれないの。]
He hasn't called me yet./He hasn't called me back yet./He hasn't e‐mailed me yet./He hasn't written me back yet./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“I wonder〜.”
Step 63 [もう5か月も美容院へ行っていないよ。]
I haven't been to the beauty shop for five months./I haven't gone to the beauty shop for five months./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“It's about time.”
Step 64 [昇格のことで上司ともめたんだ。]
I argued with my boss about promotion./I had an argument with my boss about promotion./…etc.
Step 65 [今月は無駄遣いができないんだ。]
I don't have money this month./I don't have money to spend this month./I have no extra money to spend this month./…etc.
Step 66 [今日は電話がひっきりなしにかかってきて大変だったよ。]
We had a lot of phone calls today./We had many phone calls today./We had too many phone calls today./…etc.
Step 67 [誰にでもそういう時はあるよ。]
That happens to everybody./Nobody is perfect./Don't be so down. Just be more careful next time./Don't let it get to you./…etc.
Step 68 [部長って家じゃ奥さんの言いなりなのよねぇ。]
Our boss is afraid of his wife./Our boss always follows his wife's orders./Our boss always listens to his wife's orders./…etc.
Step 69 [少なくとも私には必要な経験だったと思う。]
It was a needed experience for me./It was a necessary experience for me./I needed that experience./I think it was a need experience for me at least./…etc.
Step 70 [知識があるからといって、上手く教えられるとは限らない。]
You have knowledge, but that doesn't mean you can teach well./You may have knowledge, but that doesn't mean you can teach well./…etc.
Let's review 57〜70.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?
Chapter 2 慣用表現を英語に直してみましょう
Step 1 [目がない]
I like sweets very much./I love sweets./I love sweets more than anything else./I'm very fond of sweets./I have a weakness for sweets./…etc.
Step 2 [朝飯前]
It's very easy./It's(as)easy as ABC./It's(as)easy as 1‐2‐3./It's(as)easy as pie./It's a piece of cake./It's no hard at all./It's a breeze./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“a piece of〜”
Step 3 [口から(先に)生まれる]
She talks a lot./She really talks a lot./She talks really a lot./She talks too much./She is always talking./She is talking all the time./…etc.
Step 4 [目と鼻の先]
It's near here./It's close to here./It's just a little way from here./It's right there./It's a three‐minute walk from here./…etc.
Step 5 [初耳]
Really?/Is that so?/Is that right?/I didn't know that./Really? I didn't know that./I've never heard that(before)./…etc.
Step 6 [手も足も出ない]
That exam was too hard for me./That exam was beyond me./I couldn't handle that exam./That exam was too hard for me to handle./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク「beyond 名詞」
Step 7 [首を突っ込む]
She's too interested in others' affairs./She wants to know about others' affairs too much./She's too curious about others' affairs./…etc.
Step 8 [うまが合う]
We are really good friends./We have the same likes and dislikes./We have the same interests, likes and dislikes./We get along./…etc.
Step 9 [鵜呑みにする]
He believed her story completely./He believed her story before checking it./He believed everything she said before checking it./…etc.
Step 10 [開いた口がふさがらない]
I couldn't believe it./I couldn't believe she said such a thing./I couldn't believe she did such a thing./I couldn't believe my ears./…etc.
Step 11 [虫の居所が悪い]
Our manager is angry today./Our manager gets angry today./Our manager easily gets angry today./Our manager is easy to get angry today./…etc.
Step 12 [首を縦に振る]
I hope(that)my boss says yes./I hope my boss says OK./I hope my boss OKs it./I hope my boss gives me the OK./…etc.
Step 13 [鼻につく]
I'm tired of his bossy attitude./I'm sick of his bossy attitude./His bossy attitude annoys me./His bossy attitude bugs me./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“get to〜”
Step 14 [人は見かけによらない]
You can't tell./You never can tell./You can never tell./You can't tell a book by its cover./You can't judge by appearances./…etc.
Step 15 [右に出るものはいない]
He's the best debater./No one is as good a debater as he(is)./No one is as good a debater as him./…etc.
Let's review 1〜15.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?  204
Chapter 3 定番表現+αを覚えましょう
Step 1 [元気?][うまくいってる?]How are you?
How're you doing?/How's it going?/How's everything(going)?/How are things?/(Hi,)What's up?/(Hi,)What's new?/…etc.
Step 2 [元気だよ。][うまくいっているよ。](I'm)Fine, thank you.
(I'm)Pretty good./(I feel)Great./(I'm)Doing OK./(I'm)All right./(I'm)Cool./(I)Can't complain./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“couldn't be+比較級=最上級”
Step 3 [はじめまして。]Nice to meet you.
(It's)Good to meet you./(I'm)Glad to meet you./(I'm)Happy to meet you./It's really nice to meet you./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク“Nice to meet you.”と“Nice to see you.”
Step 4 [こちらこそ、はじめまして。]Nice to meet you, too.
(It's)Good to meet you, too./(I'm)Glad to meet you, too./(I'm)Happy to meet you, too./…etc.
Step 5 [ありがとう。]Thank you.
Thanks./Thank you very much./Thank you so much./Thank you so very much./Thanks a lot./Thanks much./Thanks a million./…etc.
Step 6 [どういたしまして。]You're welcome.
You're very welcome./You're most welcome./You're more than welcome./(It's)my pleasure./The pleasure is(all)mine./…etc.
Step 7 [ごめんなさい。]I'm sorry.
Sorry./Sorry about that./Excuse me./I'm very sorry./I'm so sorry./I'm really sorry./I'm terribly sorry./I apologize./…etc.
コーヒーブレイク お礼の「すみません」
Step 8 [いいですよ。]That's OK.
That's all right./Don't worry(about it)./That's OK. Don't worry./No worries./It's not a big deal./It's no big deal./It's nothing serious./…etc.
Step 9 [じゃあね。]See you.
See you later./See you soon./See you around./I'll be seeing you./See you at 6:30./See you tomorrow./See you on Friday./…etc.
Step 10 [いいねぇ。]Sounds good.
Sounds great./Sounds wonderful./Sounds fantastic./Sounds interesting./Sounds exciting./Sounds ideal./…etc.
Step 11 [すごく疲れた。]I'm very tired.
I'm really tired./I'm extremely tired./I'm dead tired./I'm exhausted./I'm quite exhausted./I'm completely exhausted./…etc.
Step 12 [とても楽しかったです。]I enjoyed it very much.
I really enjoyed myself at the party./I had a good time./I had a great time./I had a wonderful time./I had fun./I had a lot of fun./…etc.
Step 13 [おめでとう。]Congratulations!
Congrats!/Congratulations on your success!/Congratulations on your promotion!/Congratulations on your graduation!/…etc.
Step 14 [がんばって。」Good luck!
Good luck this weekend!/Good luck with your interview!/Good luck with the next match!/Good luck with the exams tomorrow!/…etc.
Step 15 [彼によろしくお伝えください。]Please give my regards to him.
Please give my best to him./Please give my best regards to him./Please give my best wishes to him./Say hello to him for me./…etc.
Let's review 1〜15.あなたはいくつ表現できますか?